Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I stumbled upon a new blog this morning.  http://www.urbanservant.blogspot.com/  I found this post and it really speaks to me right now.  It speaks to the many reasons i haven't blogged since November.  Things have been tough.  But, before I get to that, please take a moment to read these words.  I am just starting on my journey of faith, and this was enlightening. 

Love is enough in Adoption....But Can You Love This Way?

Love is enough in adoption. 
Which is a statement that should have 50% of my friends making a double take and starting to panic that I have learned NOTHING so far in our adoption journey and gone around some sort of serious mental health corner.  Hear me out on this one (and stop smiling Twisted Sisters...I said STOP!)

Love is enough in adoption.
If you are ready to say you love them a thousand times
and never hear it back.

It's enough
if you are willing to lay down your comfort zone, your friends, your family,
and go with a child into dark places.
Places other people run from.
Places that scare the pants off you.

If you can realize that words like
Might be better labels for your children's future than success and kindness.

Love is enough when you can stand beside a child
who has done wrong.
Maybe horrible wrong -
Maybe minor.
And not take the place of punitive judge.
But that of intercessory supporter,
Because you know that no one else ever will.

Can you separate the behavior
from the child -
enough to continue loving them
even when they can't stay in your home?
Even if they hurt you?
Even when they hate you?
Even if they ruin your dreams?

Love is enough in adoption.
But it isn't the surface sort of love we think about.
Where we heal their wounds with Bible stories and home cooked meals.
Where children of trauma (inflicted both before and after birth)
Emerge as young adults who lead their peers in righteousness.

It can be a suffering, bleeding, crippling -
God filled and God ordained love.
Where we talk not of summer jobs and drivers licences
but of crisis care and safety plans.

Love is enough
 but it might look
     and taste
          and feel
              more like
the love that Christ taught us on the cross.
A different sort of love -
All capitals
On a separate line.
Because it's the answer to the question
"Would you lay down your life for this child?'
                 until it is gone?

Love is enough.
But it might take all of us
and it might not ever look or feel like progress in this life.
But it is LOVE.
And I believe that that is enough.
I will leave this as its own post.  I will post more about life in this extraordinary household soon.  I do want to get back into blogging - I just have to figure out how to do that with all of the difficult issues we are dealing with.  To ensure I am respecting the privacy of my family and to ensure that this isn't just a place for me to go and complain.  Instead a place to reflect, learn, express and grow.
Thank you, Emily