Noah is a ham! He wants to be independent, and is learning how to do that, yet he still loves being dependent and wants lots of things done for him. He has a way with some people, with those big gorgeous eyes to convince them to help him complete his task. Noah loves to laugh and does so often. He has the biggest belly giggle - I really should record it and save it forever! It is just one of the best sounds a mom can hear. Aside from all of that, Noah is not a kid person. He will go to and with just about any adult there is, but when around other children he will usually find a quiet corner and play there with a few toys and some books. We are working with him on venturing out with the other children and at least playing near them, with the same pool of is a work in progress.
Noah also has a diagnosis of Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), but he is exhibiting far less symptoms than his siblings. He also has Developmental Apraxia. This is a speech and language disorder. He makes progress daily!! Some days he struggles more, but his skills are leaps and bounds ahead of where he was even 2 months ago! It is wonderful to watch him figure out the power of language, and to watch him correct his own articulation errors and say the word over again correctly. He is amazing!
Noah loves books. If he had a choice he would sit atop a mountain of books all day long. He can sit and read for hours. Noah loves his siblings fiercely and is always concerned about where they all are and if they are okay. He will often ask about Daddy or other relatives throughout the day wondering what they are doing right at that moment. Once Noah attaches to someone he is a lover for life! Noah has a very special connection with the children's PCA (personal care attendant - she helps out with behaviors and skill development) and will ask about her and her whereabouts multiple times a day. We all secretly tease that he doesn't just love her but is in love with her!
Noah is a force to be reckoned with! His brute strength is so overwhelming at times I find it hard to believe he is just 3! When Noah was younger he refused to walk or crawl around our big dog Gus, a 200 lb English Mastiff. Instead Noah would get on all fours, put his head down and push on Gus until he got up and moved out of his way. This is how Noah so aptly earned the name "dozer". He doesn't do that to Gus too much anymore, but uses his strength and force in other ways to get what he wants.
I said Kaegan was one of our snugglers, Noah is our other. He loves to give and receive big hugs and kisses. I always try to warn people who sit down on the floor/ground around Noah, he has a tendency to see someone on the ground and tackle them in an effort to get a hug or kiss out of the deal. He has a heart of gold and muscles of steel!!
And yes, that is chocolate cake on his goggles - the kid loves to eat too!! Whether or not it actually gets into his mouth is mostly irrelevant at this point.
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