Hi, I am Emily. I used to blog, then life happened and I quit. Now I am back at it. I'll tell you a little bit about myself first. I'll keep this pretty generic and brief. I met my husband when I was 15, we've been together ever since. We have been married for 4 years now and have 6 children. That's where so many of our stories come from, our beautiful and complex children. In 2008, our first child was born. He changed our world forever. We moved shortly after his birth to be closer to family and a better job for my husband.
We were foster parents in our previous home, and became foster parents again in our new home. In 2009, a potential foster family was presented to us. The family had 3 children, ages 3, 2 and 10 months (same age as our son), they also had a baby on the way. We had to make a decision, do we take these children into our home or not. We knew there was a likelihood that it would move to adoption. The children needed a permanent placement - we felt compelled to be that safe place for them to land. So, on July 1, 2009, the 3 children moved in. The 4th baby was due at the beginning of November.
A lot went on in those first few months. It was a very big challenge to go from 1 child (10 months) to 4 children under the age of 3. The children brought with them a lot of challenges, a lot of baggage from their birth home and their first foster home and many special needs. We were working so very hard to get the children settled and get everyone ready to add the new baby in November. We talked about the new baby constantly so they would all be prepared about the big changes that a baby brings into a family. On October 21, 2009 our baby died, at 38 weeks gestation. The word 'Devastation' does not begin to describe what that does to a person and a family. More on our angel, Corbin, another time.
Since then our family has been through a whole lot. Many great moments, scary moments, pee our pants moments and more than our fair share of tears. In May 2011 we welcomed our 2nd biological child to our family. She returned hope to my world, and brought smiles and light deep into some dark corners of my heart. She is her own person, she does not replace our Corbin, no one ever could.
Our family is myself, my husband Trent, Adrian (6), Chloe (4), Kaegan (3), Noah (3), Corbin (Angel) and Stella (5 months). So there you have it. Our family is beautiful, wonderful, complex and overall, extraordinary. In fact, so extraordinary that it will take a separate post to tell you about each of our children. Stay in touch, learn about our world, laugh with us, cry with us and grow with us. Life in this household is unique, in so very many ways. Every moment is different and every moment has amazing potential. We just have to recognize that....
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